Email to [email protected] with your horoscope details name, gender, date, time and place of birth and your question...
Kavach Services Resumed from 15.Oct.2021 after a long 5 year gap. A total of approx 70 random orders were taken during the time between 2015 and 2016. Few reported working, few haven't reported anything. There are two types of evils, 'Dhridamoola', caused due to accumulated sins in many lives which are permanent and cannot be averted. Another one is 'Shithilamoola', which is temporary evil that can be averted through remedies. All types of remedies which are advised and done by astrologers work for Shithilamoola type. That is why many a times people with 'Dhridamoola' type gets disappointed when remedies fail. Astrologers cannot determine the above two types with horoscope as they are just human who doesn't have divine powers to look into previous births... Not like diseases where doctors can diagnose and tell you whether disease is of acute(common cold) and chronic(cancer) type. Remedies can be tested based on statistics, but cannot be guaranteed similar to medicines prescribed for chronic illness. For 'Dhridamoola' nature surrendering to God is of only help.
Kavach is made using prescribed materials as per the teachings passed on from generation to generations. Not only in India, in many countries civilizations had this knowledge of making kavach/taweez/talisman/locket etc...irrespective of religion, for various purposes from time immemorial. From my several years of research I strongly believe kavach works based on Faith irrespective of material used, faith, piousness and purity of the maker(faith in Divine) of kavach is important as it will supersede even if wearer is skeptic or rational. There are several hidden energies in human body and around us modern science are in its beginning stages or simply ignore it as waste of time due to zero materialistic benefits. Scholars and few scientists, wealthy hobbyists, theological societies until late 19th century knew about this well and researched in their past times...
Products available only within India. All Orders will be sent by Speed Post India. Tracking details will be emailed to you once the product is shipped.
Planetary Kavach and kavach for specific purposes will be handmade and provided.
No | PURPOSE | Order via PayU | BHIM/GPay/Paytm |
1 | Graha/Planetary Kavach for specific planet/graha = Rs. 864/- Can be worn by anyone for current dasa lord or bhukti lord or antar lord as per your horoscope. | ||
2 | Navagraha Kavach = Rs. 3864/- in single piece kavach for overall well-being and for negation of malefic horsocope/lengthy malefic dasa lord. |
No |
PURPOSE | Order via PayU |
3 |
To Remove inner fear, fear of losing something, fear of negative energies, unknown fear etc... | |
4 |
To overcome general illness and general health issues and diseases. Can be worn for overall health goodness... | |
5 |
Kavach for children and kids who are frightened due to dreams or unknown and shows less concentration in education... | |
6 |
To overcome difficulties and problems that you are facing currently and for fullfilment of desires by removing obstacles and hindrances... | |
7 |
For repayment of debts, to overcome debt situation, obstacles in income and gaining wealth... | |
8 |
To overcome fear of getting bad name at work place, joblessness, control losses... | |
9 |
For success in self-employed professions, start-ups, gaining respect and fame... |
No |
PURPOSE | Order via PayU |
10 |
For power, respect and authority, suitable for people in managerial and administrative roles who has several employees working under them... | |
11 |
For growth in profession, career, promotion and comforts... | |
12 |
For growth in business, wealth, sales, shopkeepers. To remove setbacks, failures and law-suits... | |
13 |
For Spiritual benefits... | |
14 |
For vaasthu, used for buildings, houses, shops, removing evil-eye and negative energies, geopathic stress... |